Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I love Hollyhocks!

I love Hollyhocks and I plant them every year and the deer keep eating them...
or maybe its the chickens....
I took this picture a few years ago as my inspiration picture and it just makes me want to grow them more....


  1. I love hollyhocks but they are tough to grow here which is irritating. When I was growing up they grew like crazy at my grandma's house in Oregon.

    1. And I really want some! well if they did go the deer would just eat them....lol

  2. I love them too.. I've tried to start them... Everyone says just throw out the seed in the fall ... Yeah right! I'll keep trying, 😊

  3. I love them too.. I've tried to start them... Everyone says just throw out the seed in the fall ... Yeah right! I'll keep trying, 😊

  4. In Tennessee, hollyhocks grew all over the place. I miss seeing them.
